- 191,000 calls for assistance in Ireland in 2021
- Spiralling Utility and Energy bills
- Covid 19 support payments finishing
- Jump in Cost of Living
Against this stark backdrop The Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP) in Cork is reaching out to those with even a few hours to spare each week to join its volunteers in supporting those in need in the city and county. The campaign theme is ‘You know who you are – but we don’t’. To answer the call simply visit www.svp.ie/volunteer or call 01 884 8246.
Launching the campaign South West Regional President Paddy O’Flynn said:
‘Volunteers are our greatest strength; they know the needs in their communities and can deliver short term help at the right time to give people hope and get them back on their feet in their time of need. Among our many volunteers the qualities of kindness, compassion, respect, discretion and being non-judgmental are key. Our volunteers freely give their time, often changing lives forever and making many friends in this most rewarding charitable work’.
Whatever skills they have to offer, new volunteers will find a place in the diverse range of activities of the Society in the South West with its 94 local branches (conferences) 38 Vincents charity shops; 112 social housing units; 7 Child and family services (Foodbanks, Resource centres, Meals on Wheels); The Society has been in Ireland for 177 years. Members frequently speak of the enjoyment and sense of fulfilment they get from helping others…
“I feel privileged to be invited into somebody’s home to hear their story and to provide support and friendship. It is truly humbling and very rewarding” Anne – visitation conference member.
“I will never forget the glow of delight in children’s eyes when we were delivering a large food hamper to a house with empty presses and no money” John – Food Hampers delivery driver.
“We have great fun and chatter among our volunteer group as we sort bags of clothing for sale in the shop. My svp shop volunteering is the highlight of my week which I really look forward to and where I have made new friends” Mary – Clothes sorter volunteer
“I am so happy that my IT skills can be put to use for such important work as helping the most needy in the community. The members have been so welcoming and really appreciate my weekly IT support work with their accounts and records.” Mike – IT support volunteer
“I never thought my many years in education would be put to such great use until I joined SVP to assist with their education bursary project. So many worthy students have benefited and escaped the poverty trap to attain major awards and a more self sustaining future. It is incredibly rewarding work and I feel I am really making a difference” Brendan – Education committee
“In a continuing housing crisis it is great to be part of SVP efforts to provide housing. What a privilege to be part of handing over keys to a permanent and secure home to a deserving elderly tenant “ James – Social Housing volunteer
The range of volunteering opportunities is quite broad :
Charity Shops – You might like to join our team at one of our 38 ‘Vincents’ charity shops where donated clothing and bric-a-brac are provided at very modest cost and funds generated to assist those in need.
Sorting Warehouses – You may prefer working with our teams who provide the supplies to our charity shops and sort the huge volume of goods donated ( Cork city & Tralee)
IT / Finance/ Fundraising – You might like to offer your IT or finance skills to assist our many projects with finance planning and records management or partaking in our many fundraising projects.
Social Housing – You may have a passion for fighting homelessness by joining one of our Social Housing projects which currently provide permanent homes to more than 120 clients
Food Poverty – You might be interested in fighting Food Poverty through one of our food projects providing food parcels and hampers to those in need of this basic support
Education Support – You may have experience in Secondary/Third Level education which would benefit our substantial education support programme